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The Secret Electrostatic World of Insects

Invisibly to us, insects and other tiny creatures use static electricity to travel, avoid predators, collect pollen, and more. New experiments explore how evolution may have influenced this phenomenon. Kilogram finally redefined as world’s metrologists agree to new formulation for SI units
De nouvelles définitions pour les unités du système internationale !

Le grand K :
quand le kilo fait bonne mesure ! Gravitational-constant mystery deepens with new precision measurements
Un exemple actuel d'erreur systématique : G = 6.67??

Click me for more information ! Intel unveils 49-qubit superconducting chip
Intel has announced the design and fabrication of a 49-qubit superconducting quantum-processor chip at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Mechanical metamaterial twists when squeezed
A rationally designed metamaterial that twists in response to a linear force IceCube tests Standard Model with neutrinos from below Muons reveal hidden void in Egyptian pyramid Sonic barrier quietens traffic noise with origami

Medium Daily Digest
A water management system for the future
brought to you by spiders, plants, bees, fungi, and our newest Ray of Hope Prize® winners.

Into the Vortex: Megacomputers and the Quest to Understand Superstorms Silicon waveguide shows zero refractive index Levitating droplets go with the flow

HOW CAN A CAT SURVIVE A HIGH-RISE FALL? PHYSICS! Squid see clearly in low light using linked proteins

L'Invité des Matins d'été (1ère partie)
La découverte d'une vie extra-terrestre est-elle imminente ?

Medium Daily Digest
If the Universe is expanding, then why aren’t we?
The atoms, planets, stars, and even galaxies aren’t expanding, even though space is. How come?

 Mushroom spores launched by 'catapult'
Sujet X-ens 2017

toutEstQuantique.FR Owl wings could hold secret to noiseless aircraft Smart glove translates sign language into digital text

Medium Daily Digest
10,000 Hours With Claude Shannon:
How A Genius Thinks, Works, and Lives Une imprimante 3D originiale :
New 3D scanning method uses Archimedes' principle How to weigh tiny objects using sound.
Measuring the mass, volume, and density of microgram-sized objects in fluid.

Medium Daily Digest
How To Go From Procrastinate Hero To Procrastinate Zero
A reliable system for overcoming procrastination and achieving more.

Medium Daily Digest
Ask Ethan: How can we see all the way back to the Big Bang ?
If we can’t even witness the birth of our Solar System and planet,
how can we claim to see the birth of the Universe ?

TP de BIO-INFORMATIQUE : Etude de Borrelia burgdorferi
Information complémeantaires dans OUEST FRANCE ....
Attention : Angoissés s'abstenir !!! Système International : Changements d'unité ?
Video -- Why do physicists want to redefine basic units as fundamental constants? De l'électricité grâce aux écailles de poissons ?
-- Biocompatible piezoelectric generator is made from fish scales

Medium Daily Digest
So You Want to be a Functional Programmer ? (part 1)

Continent science : Du microrobot au nanorobot
La science humaine peut désormais concevoir des robots aux composants nains, moléculaires ou à base d'ADN. -- Rocky planet found in habitable zone around Sun's nearest neighbour

Fink Mathias : Renversement du temps
Leçon inaugurale du Collège de France : ondes et innovation.
ESPCI : institut Langevin. -- Giant two-atom molecules are the size of bacteria

Ada Lovelace - Lady de l'informatique !
ou comment la fille de Lord Byron devint la première programmatrice informatique -- Ultrathin lens is free of chromatic aberrations
-- How LIGO will change our view of the universe -- Physicists crack mystery of the spectacular
stones of the Giant's Causeway -- US survey reveals high value of physicists to industry -- Liquid droplets create logic circuits -- 'Cosmic shear' reveals dark matter in new high-resolution map -- The wonderful world of ultrasound -- Making better solar cells with polychiral carbon nanotubes

Des images médicales au patient numérique !

Leçon inaugurale de la chaire annuelle d’informatique et sciences du numérique au collège de France

[Tout à droite & tout en bas Attention : Cliquer sur Télécharger la vidéo et non sur la video PLAY] -- The future is flexible -- Hybrid technology developed for 2D electronics

NO ROADS ? There's a drone for that
TED Ideas worth spreading

Continent science -- le satellite Planck et les débuts de l'univers

Le satellite Planck, lancé le 14 mai 2009, est un observatoire spatial développé par l'Agence spatiale européenne (ESA). Il a été conçu pour mesurer avec une précision inégalée le « fond cosmologique », c’est à dire la première lumière de l'Univers et ses irrégularités. -- Why an ultracold gas is like a wireless network -- Ballistic electrons go further in nanoribbons -- Has a quantum computer solved the 'party problem'?

Homeless, Unemployed, and Surviving on Bitcoins

Surveiller les algorithmes

China : All dried up !

How science goes wrong